Canjet Airlines minors flying alone

Does Canjet offer services for children traveling alone?

Canjet considers that a child is traveling alone when he/she isn’t accompanied on the same flight and in the same cabin by an adult, parent or legal guardian. To ensure the child’s safety and comfort, Canjet will provide escort throughout the airport process, advance seat selection, priority baggage handling, a comfort kit on board (includes socks, blanket, and a headset) and free snacks from the On Board Bistro Menu.

Which are age restrictions that Canjet imposes for children traveling alone?

Canjet imposes the following restrictions regarding acceptance of Unaccompanied Minors:

  • Children younger than 8 years of age aren’t allowed to travel alone unless they are accompanied by a person age of 16 or older.
  • Children from 8 to 11 years of age may travel alone as Unaccompanied Minors.
  • Children from 12 to 15 years of age may travel alone without restrictions, but also have the option of traveling as Unaccompanied Minors.

Unaccompanied Minor Service

If you need the Unaccompanied Minor Service, you must contact Canjet Call Center 2 days prior the departure of the flight. As stated, the unaccompanied minor service includes advance seat selection, a comfort kit on board (includes blanket, headset, and socks) and free snacks from the On Board Bistro Menu, but they will also receive priority boarding on all Canjet flights. The child may enjoy the flight with an activity book that is given by Canjet on some flights from Canada.

Drop-off and Pick-up

It is needed to check-in, check the baggage, and complete the required form 3 hours prior the departure time of the flight. The child will be escorted by an airline representative to the departure gate where a cabin crew member will be waiting for him/her in order to escort him/her to the airplane seat. There will be a responsible flight attendant who will pay special attention during the whole flight. The child will never be alone. He/her will also be accompanied through the Customs, Immigration and baggage claim area.

Unaccompanied Minors must be accompanied to the departure airport by the parent or legal guardian to provide complete information regarding the person who will meet the child at the arrival airport, including a photo ID. The parent or legal guardian must remain in the airport until the flight hast taken-off. A pouch with a complete travel file is given to the children and must be worn around their necks until the end of the trip. The children's baggage must have special tags so it can be easily identified.

The airline representative will check that the identity of the person waiting for the Unaccompanied Minor corresponds to the information in the child's file and will request a photo ID. This person must be fully aware of all the flight details as well as the formalities. In the case that the information doesn’t match, the parent/legal guardian will be contacted by Canjet’s staff at the point of origin. Local authorities will be contacted in case nobody is present to greet the Unaccompanied Minor, and all the subsequent costs incurred will have to be paid by the parent or legal guardian.

In order to avoid any anxiety that your child can feel, you have to prepare him/her explaining what will happen from the beginning to the end of his travel. The child must know the guardian’s or legal parent’s phone number.


For the Unaccompanied Minor Service, either mandatory or provided upon request, Canjet will charge a total of $ 100 CAD.

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