China Eastern Airlines flying with babies

How old should be my baby to be allowed on a China Eastern Airlines flight?

Babies under 14 days old are not accepted on a China Eastern Airlines flight under any circumstances!

When am I required to purchase a ticket for my child?

Child tickets should be bought for all children aged between two and twelve.

Infants who did not reach the age of two at the time of the journey cannot occupy a seat but are expected to possess an infant ticket. A child ticket must be bought in the event that an infant occupies a seat alone. This situation will take place if the adult is traveling accompanied by two infants.

Do not forget that an adult is allowed to carry only two children/infants under twelve! Should you decide to travel accompanied by your children, it is recommended that you call Customer Service to inform yourself about the specific fares.

Do I need any special items when traveling with my baby?

China Eastern Airlines offer its passengers special baby bassinets and packs, a wide range of baby food also being available. Each airplane has at least two restrooms equipped with special fold-down tables, so you could change your baby’s diapers easily. Nevertheless, feel free to bring your own supplies (baby food, infant diapers etc.), for they are considered standard supplies and are not prohibited.

China Eastern also provides – depending on the jet type – a limited number of cradles. If you need this type of service, you are advised to call in advance, to make sure you have yours reserved. However, if you bring your own cradle for your infant (automobile-type safety seats being included in this category), your infants will occupy a seat, so you will have to buy a child ticket.

China Eastern advises the usage of cradles for infants who are less than 75 cm tall and weigh a maximum 10 kg, while infants older than 6 months can be carried in car safety seats. In order for your baby to be able to use the already provided in-flight cradle, he/she should not exceed the values stated above.

When choosing your seats, you should remember that you cannot opt for a seat next to the emergency exits, since a baby carried in a safety seat must occupy an inside seat. Of course, travelers older than 14 and in good shape are supposed to look after the safety seat during the journey.

Pay special attention to the safety belts on board, since it is recommended for your infant to use it.

Does China Eastern Airlines offer infant fare?

Infant tickets can be purchased at 10% the price of an adult fare, for both national and international flights. The only difference between the two types of flights, in this case, consists of the free baggage allowance, which is:

  • Weight Concept – no free baggage allowance.
  • Piece Concept – 1 piece of checked baggage, with the maximum weight corresponding to the travel class and size not exceeding 115 cm.

A foldable baby stroller can be checked free of charge for each infant passenger.

Infant on Lap

If no special arrangements are made, one person older than 18 can only travel accompanied by two children. Should this be the case, the same traveling class must be chosen for all three of them.

Since infants are not allowed to occupy a seat alone, be careful when traveling with two children because you can carry only one of them on lap. The other one will have to buy a child ticket and occupy a seat.


There is a limited number of infant cradles and life jackets depending on the airplane model, so it’s highly recommended that you contact China Eastern Airlines before booking a flight. 



Life Jackets

AircraftCradlesLife Jackets



A330 300












B777 300ER



A330 200



A350 900

B787 9

Contact China Eastern Airlines

Infants Traveling in Safety Seats

Infants can travel using safety seats regardless of the class, but previous arrangements should be made, and child tickets should be bought since they will occupy a seat. Infants with their own tickets, carried in safety seats, are not allowed to travel seated in emergency exit rows.

Should you travel with two infants, one of them is supposed to buy a child ticket and occupy a seat.

For infants with tickets purchased at child or adult price, the free baggage allowance of adult passengers applies. A foldable baby stroller can be checked free of charge for each infant passenger.

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