Corsair Boeing B747 400 seat review by Paul33 #27460

4 of 5
FromParis-Orly (ORY)
ToPlaisance-Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Int (MRU)
Detailed ratings
Legroom4 of 5
Seat width3 of 5
Seat recline5 of 5
Entertainment4 of 5
Food & drink5 of 5
Service3 of 5
In economy seating. Middle of aircraft. The remodeled 747-400 is equipped with personal video screens and offers average leg room compared to other planes. Seating is as described on plane map. Compared to other reviews, I was happy with what I got considering I'm 1m82 / 6ft2. I was seated comfortably in my seat. Big plus compared to other airlines: seat reclines slightly more than other planes allowing to stretch a little more than on other planes. Nice package with eye masque, ear plugs and headphones (don't have those on American transatlantic flights!). Headphones could've been better but they're ok considering they are free. The 11 hour trip flew by quick!
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