Olympic Air Dash 8 Q400 seat review by Lone #32700

5 of 5
FromAthens - Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH)
ToSamos - Samos (SMI)
Detailed ratings
Legroom5 of 5
Seat width5 of 5
Seat recline5 of 5
Entertainment5 of 5
Food & drink5 of 5
Service5 of 5
We had a very pleasent flight with this Dash 8 Q400 from Athens to Samos. I am a nervous flyer and before the flight I was a little worried about flying with a propeller. But there was no need to worry because we had an absolutely amazing flight and I will never ever worry about flying with this airplane again. We had a nice view of the propeller from the window and there was not too much noise at all. Before the flight I was also a little worried about if I would feel claustrophobic because the airplane is smaller than I am used to but I felt there was a lot of space inside the airplane and also plenty of room for my legs. I will definitely not worry before flying with this airplane again. It was a very good experience.
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