How to Stay Healthy While Flying

Whether you’re flying for business, leisure, or any other reason, it’s important to know how to stay healthy while traveling.
Whether you’re flying for business, leisure, or any other reason, it’s important to know how to stay healthy while traveling.
When we last wrote about the top 15 travel hacks you should know about, we planned to give you even more because there really are dozens more to share. There are so many ways you can manipulate your travel plans to fly more enjoyably and more efficiently.
Whether you travel the world for business or pleasure, or are a first-time traveler, your upcoming trip can be more fun and efficient when you know about the following 15 travel hacks.
You don’t have to ditch your healthy eating and exercise schedule when you travel. Even if you spend a good part of your life flying here and jetting there, you can still find ways to stay healthy while traveling.
Jet lag is the one thing that can really drag you down after a long haul flight, profoundly affecting your concentration, alertness, and sleep patterns. It is also referred to as time zone change syndrome or desynchronises and is caused by our circadian rhythms (our natural body clock) being turned upside down. Interestingly, the symptoms… Read more »
The never-ending issue of jet lag seems to have been given a SOLUTION. At last! And it also appears that you will finally be able to eliminate your jet lag provided you resort to a simple and eerily common activity which all of us take for granted each and every single day. Anyway, to put… Read more »
Try to accommodate your body clock to the new time zone a few days before you depart. This means that if you’re traveling east, you may go to sleep earlier. Start by shifting it a half-hour earlier every night for several nights in a row before you leave.
Any frequent traveller who has crossed three or more time zones suffered from jet lag. Jet lag is in fact temporary disruption of normal circadian rhythm caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft, resulting in fatigue, disorientation, and disturbed sleep patterns. What if you were able to REDUCE or, why not,… Read more »
If you’ve been feeling very TIRED and sometimes CONFUSED after having flying a very long distance, than you’re certainly suffering from jet lag. This is not exactly a medical condition. It is rather a physiological one and basically results from the modifications that occur in the body’s circadian rhythms during such a long and tiring… Read more »