Seat Map airberlin Airbus A330 200 Config.1

Seat map for airberlin Airbus A330 200 Config.1

Seating details

Business Class53.919.319
Economy Class31.017.0289

General presentation

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Overall rating  
4 of 5 based on 11 user ratings


3 of 5
FromDusseldorf - Düsseldorf International Airport (DUS)
ToHiguey - Punta Cana International (PUJ)
Please watch out since the seating in our plane (flight AB7446 on Jan 4th 2016) was NOT the one shown on this website or any other seating plan we could find (not even Air Berlin's). Identical staggered cubicles but inverted window/aisle positions. E.g. second row had 02A and not 02C, third row had 03C and not 03A and so on.
Seats are horribly narrow and not long enough in the flat position, reading lamp not usable, almost no room to put your belongings. OK for day flight in the seating position. Obviously not keeping their promises. Should be changed.
I did not use the IFE unless to track the route. So no idea of IFE's value (I gave it a 3 stars since it is a mandatory field) but wonderful large screen and terrific definition of the route tracker. Drinks generally OK, real French Champagne being an asset. Lunch food nothing fancy but generally OK, snacks not OK.
Excellent service by highly motivated and attentive flight attendants as well as remarkably professional (Tunisian) check-in agent.
Amenity kit included slippers, a definite asset as far as hygiene is concerned.
Cabin was clean.
No separate business class counter during night before check-in service !!! Not acceptable IMHO.
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3.5 of 5
FromBerlin-Berlin-tegel / Otto Lilienthal (TXL)
ToChicago-Chicago Ohare Intl (ORD)
I paid $184.96 to prebook two XL seats with "4 inch/10cm more space with improved seat comfort and individually adjustable head rests. When we boarded the plane it was an exit row. The assigned seats were Row 36 H and K. Seat K had fully the right half of the leg room taken up by the emergency slide cover. It is a horrible seat with room for your left leg only. You have a viewing window partially behind the seat, tray tables and entertainment screen comes up out of the arm rests. I want my money back! There was not more leg room or seat width.
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4 of 5
FromSpringfield - Springfield-Branson Rg (SGF)
ToBerlin - Berlin-tegel / Otto Lilienthal (TXL)
We paid for these two seats both ways ($100 total I think) and I think it was worth it. Close enough to bathrooms, but people were not standing by your seat. Did not have to crawl over strangers from the middle seats (like we did before). As far as legroom, recline, etc they are all the same. Probably similar for 37AC.

I certainly would not pay for row 36 for AC or HK. Maybe DEFG if you want the space in front of you, but the edge seats have constricted legroom b/c of the exit door.
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4.5 of 5
FromChicago-Chicago Ohare Intl (ORD)
ToBerlin-Berlin-tegel / Otto Lilienthal (TXL)
Great seat! Set up very nicely since I am a CPAP user and had to use it on this plane.
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